RT @drjohnmorley: Metformin may protect against COVID19. https://t.co/CZF4Vgsa2c

RT @drjohnmorley: Metformin may protect against COVID19. https://twitter.com/_atanas_/status/1276176828546396161
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Author: INPST

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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RT @DrSeeboth: Is it a coincidence that #coronavirus is associated with other viruses, or do co-infections influence the clinical course of #COVID19? https://t.co/a0zqN7N9Rx

RT @DrSeeboth: Is it a coincidence that #coronavirus is associated with other viruses, or do co-infections influence the clinical course of #COVID19? https://twitter.com/_atanas_/status/1275971727353417728
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Author: INPST

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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RT @DocDellaire: Very cool – check it out @FramptonLab @Dal_LeungLab https://t.co/oNIpNg20T0

RT @DocDellaire: Very cool – check it out @FramptonLab @Dal_LeungLab https://twitter.com/_atanas_/status/1276299134039973889
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Author: INPST

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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INPST social media channels

RT @Kto72102356: Skuteczność masek na twarz w zapobieganiu transmisji wirusa oddechowego: przegląd systematyczny i metaanaliza https://t.co/ZXb66bvWtt

RT @Kto72102356: Skuteczność masek na twarz w zapobieganiu transmisji wirusa oddechowego: przegląd systematyczny i metaanaliza https://twitter.com/_atanas_/status/1276070434816036864
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Author: INPST

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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INPST social media channels

RT @HaroldSinnott: Cities With Black Lives Matter Protests Have Not Seen COVID-19 Spikes @BuzzFeedNews #COVID19 #Coronavirus cc @IrmaRaste @_atanas_ @psb_dc @Paula_Piccard @JimHarris @jblefevre60 @labordeolivier @BrianFanzo https://t.co/NL0dbnk1q7 https://t.co/dKI0MwSR3q

RT @HaroldSinnott: Cities With Black Lives Matter Protests Have Not Seen COVID-19 Spikes @BuzzFeedNews #COVID19 #Coronavirus cc @IrmaRaste @_atanas_ @psb_dc @Paula_Piccard @JimHarris @jblefevre60 @labordeolivier @BrianFanzo https://twitter.com/i/events/1275840804888731649

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Author: INPST

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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INPST social media channels

RT @DrABPBallal: @sminaev2015 @corinne8154 @HeartOTXHeartMD @RajayNarain @DocSavageTJU @DrKristieLeong @_atanas_ @Claudia37Cleo @Vilavaite @DrFRCarrick @iamritu @FahmiJFarah @MdAntonieta @amonferrymd @ReyzanShali @NatashaStone_me @smoothsale @Top_Gundersen @obsessivelyMe @InaJaki https://t.co/JGm8U9XhFW

RT @DrABPBallal: @sminaev2015 @corinne8154 @HeartOTXHeartMD @RajayNarain @DocSavageTJU @DrKristieLeong @_atanas_ @Claudia37Cleo @Vilavaite @DrFRCarrick @iamritu @FahmiJFarah @MdAntonieta @amonferrymd @ReyzanShali @NatashaStone_me @smoothsale @Top_Gundersen @obsessivelyMe @InaJaki

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Author: INPST

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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INPST social media channels

RT @BetterAcademia: This should be posted in every lab/office #phdchat #scicomm #AcademicTwitter @AcademicChatter @DNA_RNA_Uni @_atanas_ https://t.co/cARHZj3bUf

RT @BetterAcademia: This should be posted in every lab/office #phdchat #scicomm #AcademicTwitter @AcademicChatter @DNA_RNA_Uni @_atanas_

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Author: INPST

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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INPST social media channels

RT @Prashantmlsm: Cyberbullying Connected To PTSD Symptoms In Victims—And Bullies #Cyberbullying #PTSDSymptoms #Bullies @_atanas_ @lifescience4u https://t.co/eGPAP2P5ff

RT @Prashantmlsm: Cyberbullying Connected To PTSD Symptoms In Victims—And Bullies #Cyberbullying #PTSDSymptoms #Bullies @_atanas_ @lifescience4u https://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2020/06/24/cyberbullying-connected-to-ptsd-symptoms-in-victims-and-bullies/
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Author: INPST

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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INPST social media channels

RT @DrSeeboth: Without doubt, face masks reduce the risk of transmission. Why are we confronted with the bizarre situation that students are not supposed to wear masks in closed rooms, but outside? Please change this immediately @jensspahn @AnjaKarliczek @_atanas_ #COVID19 https://t.co/U4GxE3VhRN

RT @DrSeeboth: Without doubt, face masks reduce the risk of transmission. Why are we confronted with the bizarre situation that students are not supposed to wear masks in closed rooms, but outside? Please change this immediately @jensspahn @AnjaKarliczek @_atanas_ #COVID19 https://twitter.com/_atanas_/status/1276070434816036864
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Author: INPST

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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INPST social media channels

RT @EddieRDMD: American College of Cardiology: CV Health Promotion and Disease Prevention – An Issue That Can No Longer Wait https://t.co/vFVEByTiOe @_atanas_

RT @EddieRDMD: American College of Cardiology: CV Health Promotion and Disease Prevention – An Issue That Can No Longer Wait https://www.acc.org/education-and-meetings/meetings/meeting-items/2020/04/21/15/21/cv-health-promotion-and-disease-prevention @_atanas_
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Author: INPST

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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