Association Between Plant-Based Dietary Patterns and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Key Points
Question: What is the role for plant-based dietary patterns in the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes among adults?
Findings: In this systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective observational studies assessing the association between plant-based dietary patterns and risk of type 2 diabetes among adults, higher adherence to plant-based dietary patterns was associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes; this association was strengthened when healthy plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts, were included in the pattern. Findings were broadly consistent in several prespecified subgroups and in sensitivity analyses.
Meaning: Greater adherence to plant-based dietary patterns, especially those rich in healthful plant-based foods, is associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
Qian F, Liu G, Hu FB, Bhupathiraju SN, Sun Q. Association Between Plant-Based Dietary Patterns and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Intern Med. 2019 Jul 22. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.2195. PubMed PMID: 31329220.
The Botanical Garden of Department of Pharmacognosy, University of Vienna, Austria. Photo by Atanas G. Atanasov.
Lagoon of the seven cities, a twin lake in the crater of a dormant volcano in the western part of the São Miguel island (Azores, Portugal). Photo by Dr. Ana Sanches Silva.
Central Australian desert scene. Photo by Dr. Rohan Davis.
HEK293T cells. Photo by Atanas G. Atanasov.
Tropical rainforest, Queensland, Australia. Photo by Dr. Rohan Davis.
Australian ocean scene. Photo by Dr. Rohan Davis.
Laboratory equipment. Photo by Atanas G. Atanasov.
Rhododendron arboreum flower. Photo by Devesh Tewari.
The Valley of Flowers, Himalaya, India. Photo by Dr. Rajeshwari Singh.
Bryce Canyon, Utah, USA. Photo by Dr. Anupam Bishayee.
Euphorbia prolifera Buch. (Ham) Ex. Photo by Devesh Tewari.
Foothills of Himalaya, India. Photo by Devesh Tewari.
The Valley of Flowers, Himalaya, India. Photo by Dr. Rajeshwari Singh.
Eco-School Festival, Leiria-Portugal, Spring 2018
Polygonum maritimum (L.) (Polygonaceae)- Ourdania beach (Ain Temouchent- west Algeria)- taken by PhD. EL HACI Imad Abdelhamid
Flower blossoms at gardens by the bay Singapore-photo by Dr. Hemanth Kumar Boyina.
Keywords: plant-based dietary patterns, risk of type 2 diabetes, systematic review, meta-analysis, prevention of type 2 diabetes, healthy plant-based foods, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts.