Brazil Nut in Health and Disease: A Narrative Review

Brazil nuts are not only delicious but also densely nutritious and can contribute to overall health. The nuts are an excellent source of selenium, a mineral that boosts immunity, fights inflammation, and can ward off diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Studies show that consuming Brazil nuts can improve antioxidant status, regulate blood sugar, and keep the heart healthy by lowering bad cholesterol.

Apart from their medicinal values, Brazil nuts play an important role in the economy of the Amazon basin as they provide revenues to the local people. They are also utilized in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries due to the high oil content they possess.

Yet, Brazil nuts are not entirely risk-free. They do contain sometimes toxic elements like barium and aflatoxins naturally, which in large amounts are harmful. Too much intake of selenium from these nuts can also cause toxicity, triggering issues like loss of hair and gastrointestinal issues.

This review covers both the incredible health benefits and the potential dangers of Brazil nuts to allow consumers to make informed choices about their inclusion in the diet. The takeaway? Brazil nuts can be a superfood—but only in moderation!


Full text: Larissa Naomi Takeda, Amanda Omine, Lucas Fornari Laurindo, Adriano Cressoni Araújo, Nathália Machado Mendes, Jefferson A. Dias, Joachim Kavalakatt, Sabyasachi Banerjee, Ricardo de Alvares Goulart, Atanas G. Atanasov, Anupam Bishayee, Sandra Maria Barbalho, (2025), Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl.) in health and disease: A narrative review, Food Chemistry, 143425.