We have several post-doctoral positions available immediately in our group at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Germany).
May I please ask you to distribute this email to potentially interested people, who can contact me immediately by email (dtasdemir@geomar.de) and send me 1. CV and publication list, 2. Contact information for three references, 3. A brief cover letter explaining interest in the position and career goals.
1. Post-doc in Marine microbial natural product chemistry (with proven expertise in microbiology and microbial natural products; metabolomics, isolation, structure elucidation).
2. Post-doc in Marine natural product chemistry (mostly marine macroorganisms and structure elucidation)
3. Post-doc in Marine Analytical natural product chemistry (method development LC-MS, GC-MS and possibly NMR type metabolomics to link with other omics and to address ecological questions)
Working language in the group is English. We offer excellent infrastructure, a highly vibrant, international and innovative research environment, access to international cruises and collaborations.
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel is one of the world’s leading institutions in marine research. The research unit Marine Natural Product Chemistry / GEOMAR Centre for Marine Biotechnology is equipped with state-of-the-art chemical facilities including in-house UPLC-QTOF-MS coupled with DESI Imaging Mass Spectrometry, HPLC-DAD-MS, HPLC-HRMS, GC-MS, automated extraction systems such as Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) and Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE), FT-IR, polarimeter and related databases, as well as excellent microbiology/biotechnology facilities and over 70 running in vitro biological assays. Our in-house microbial culturing facilities span from small (1 L) to large-scale (300 L fermenter), as well as access to sequencing facilities. GEOMAR has full access to high-resolution (cryo-) NMR facilities at the Chemistry Department of Kiel University. We lead or participate several large EU or national research projects.
Many thanks and best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Deniz Tasdemir
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Head, Marine Natural Products Chemistry Research Unit
Director, GEOMAR Centre for Marine Biotechnology (GEOMAR-Biotech)
Am Kiel-Kanal 44
Kiel 24106, Germany
Phone: +49 431 600-4430
Fax: +49 431 600-4441
Email: dtasdemir@geomar.de