Functional foods are designed to provide a health benefit aside from basic nutrition. Examples of functional foods include probiotics, antioxidants, and plant-based compounds that may prevent diseases, improve digestion, and enhance overall well-being. How do companies protect their innovations? By filing for patents!
The paper looked at nearly 48,000 patents in functional foods filed during the last 20 years. Researchers in this study charted the pattern of patent filers, target diseases, and specific food types commonly patented. According to this, there is significant growth of patent applications related to gut health, mental health, immune functions, and body weight management.
Nestlé is leading in functional food patenting, while many of the other biotech and food companies are also good promoters of innovation. According to the study, the focus on probiotics, plant-based ingredients, and solutions for personalized nutrition is growing.
Considering the projections that functional food will account for almost $600 billion by 2032, this scientific research will provide a goldmine of insights to scientists, policy initiators, and industry leaders in crafting the future of nutrition.
Full text: Maima Matin, Dalibor Hrg, Olena Litvinova, Małgorzata Łysek-Gładysinska, Agnieszka Wierzbicka, Jarosław Olav Horbańczuk, Artur Jóźwik & Atanas G. Atanasov, The global patent landscape of functional food innovation, Nature Biotechnology, 42, 1493–1497 (2024),