Invitation message from the organizers:
Dear Colleague,
Warm greetings from the “Virtual International Summer School of Natural Products” (ISSNP) 2021!
I hope you are doing well, and I am glad to reach you like this, to invite you to join the 4th edition of ISSNP, 6th – 8th July 2021.
The School is designed for Ph.D. students and young researchers and aimed to build up a lively scientific community tackling global challenges in the field of natural products. Strategical objectives will be focused on interdisciplinary and intersectoral learning, networking, and cross collaborations. A combination of lectures, seminars, and interactive sessions will provide an immersive and challenging experience. Team-based problem-solving activities will help the participants be prepared for future research studies in these fields.
We consider this a fantastic occasion to attend this School, you will have a chance to present your research activities and build a new and stimulating international network. ISSNP provides a platform on which all presentations and interactive sessions will be available “on-demand” to make your participation easier and more profitable.
We would like to underline two exclusive opportunities for the participants:
– your scientific research could be selected for publication on “Marine Drugs”, and for all members of ISSNP 2021, Marine Drugs grants a 20% discount on APC in publishing in this Topical Collection: “International Summer School on Natural Products: The Contribution of Young Researchers to Marine Inspired Products”
– if you are a Chemists, Pharmacists, or Pharmaceutical Chemists (degree after 2017) attending the 2nd/3rd year of a PhD related to Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, you could be awarded with a Grant of 5.000,00 €. Moreover, the three winners will benefit of a 6-months internship at Indena’s premises, including a Managerial course.
For ISSNP highlights and program, please go to ISSNP 2021 website.
Please give us your confirmation and registration before May 31th, 2021, Do not hesitate to contact us for any queries regarding the School or any other aspect of our work.
Virtual International Summer School of Natural Products (ISSNP) 2021 #INPST #NaturalProducts #NaturalProduct
— International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (@_INPST) April 7, 2021