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Author: (@OneFallenAngelM)

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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WEBINAR: What is next in consumer behaviour around the world post Covid19? Date: 20th May 2020 Time: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM (Indian Standard Time) To Participate Register:

WEBINAR: What is next in consumer behaviour around the world post Covid19? Date: 20th May 2020 Time: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM (Indian Standard Time) To Participate Register: 

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Author: (@iambhutia)

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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One of the problems of #academia is the lack of a standardized metric for evaluating & predicting researcher performance. Here are a few potential metrics. What do you think? Please retweet. #phdchat #scicomm #AcademicTwitter @AcademicChatter @_atanas_ @PhDForum @_open_science_

One of the problems of is the lack of a standardized metric for evaluating & predicting researcher performance. Here are a few potential metrics. What do you think? Please retweet.

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Author: (@BetterAcademia)

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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双盲随机对照研究:没有证据表明,面筋会导致没有面筋相关疾病(例如乳糜泻)的人,出现消化问题 日志: … 按: …@_atanas_ …

双盲随机对照研究:没有证据表明,面筋会导致没有面筋相关疾病(例如乳糜泻)的人,出现消化问题 日志: … 按: …

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Author: (@Dino_LaCresta)

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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ACE-I & ARB should be maintained in HF, HTN, MI Based on #COVID19 pathophysiology J.Penninger el al. proposed to use treatment which may be dualy effective in pts w/ #CVD @AnastasiaSMihai @hvanspall @SABOURETCardio @gonzaeperez @_atanas_ @ALEX_MISCHIE @KulikovUNIATF

✅ACE-I & ARB should be maintained in HF, HTN, MI ✅Based on pathophysiology J.Penninger el al. proposed to use treatment which may be dualy effective in pts w/

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Author: (@StepanenkoMD)

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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An intriguing discussion by Willems et al. “Computational Chemistry on a Budget: Supporting Drug Discovery with Limited Resources” … #Budget #ComputationalChemistry #Drugdiscovery

An intriguing discussion by Willems et al. “Computational Chemistry on a Budget: Supporting Drug Discovery with Limited Resources” …

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Author: (@H3nRasouli)

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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Nϵ-Carboxymethyl-Lysine Deteriorates Vascular Calcification in Diabetic Atherosclerosis Induced by Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell-Derived Foam Cells #VascularCalcification #Atherosclerosis #FoamCells @Prashantmlsm @_atanas_ …

Nϵ-Carboxymethyl-Lysine Deteriorates Vascular Calcification in Diabetic Atherosclerosis Induced by Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell-Derived Foam Cells …

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Author: (@lifescience4u)

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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#pulichealth #Hydroxychloroquine has received worldwide attention as a potential Tx #COVID19 because of results from small studies. However, the results of this study do not support its use in pts admitted to hospital with #covid19 who require O2 . @_atanas_ @bmj_latest …

has received worldwide attention as a potential Tx 👉🏻 because of ➕results from small studies. However, the results of this study do not support its use in pts admitted to hospital with who require O2 . …

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Author: (@CastlDalmunzie)

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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Congrats @_atanas_ …

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Author: (@PhDilkersaygili)

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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Prospective association of soft drink consumption w/ #depressive symptoms Attn: ⁦@_atanas_⁩ ⁦@_INPST⁩ ⁦@ChrisPalmerMD⁩ ⁦@NutritionSchool⁩ ⁦@depressionnote⁩ ⁦⁦@RethinkDep⁩ ⁦@jamieoliver⁩ ⁦@FructoseNo⁩ …

Prospective association of soft drink consumption w/ symptoms Attn: ⁦ ⁩ ⁦ ⁩ ⁦ ⁩ ⁦ ⁩ ⁦ ⁩ ⁦⁦ ⁩ ⁦ ⁩ ⁦ …

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Author: (@HealthyFellow)

The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferencesgrants and funding opportunitiesjobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.

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