Commercializing natural products: Micro-supplier partners

Micro-supplier partners interested in commercializing natural products are needed:

*If you have pure natural product compounds, at least 5 as an inventory

*We also prefer novel natural products that are commercially unavailable

*If you isolate these compounds or synthesize them

*If you have semi synthetics, w/o knowledge transfer

*We look for compounds preferably as aliquotes

*We offer a platform that meets Nagoya protocol and fair ABS policy

In addition, offered are screening opportunities (virtual screening and experimental validation) for these compounds for our partners. If you are interested in becoming a supplier, please get in contact by joining GLOBE-PA or by email to

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The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) maintains up-to-date lists with conferences, grants and funding opportunities, jobs and open positions, and journal special issues with relevance for the area of phytochemistry and food chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacognosy research, and natural product science.