Новосформираща се работна група от Секция по „Молекулен дизайн и биохимична фармакология” към Института по молекулярна биология „Акад. Румен Цанев“ при Българската академия на науките (БАН) – София търси да назначи ДОКТОРАНТИ (м/ж) и/или ПОСТДОКТОРАНТИ за научноизследователска работа в една перспектива и изпълнена с нови предизвикателства област на „Дизайн и разработка на мултитаргетни биологично активни субстанции за превенция и лечение на невродегенеративни заболявания”.
Newly formed working group from the Department of Molecular Design and Biochemical Pharmacology at the Institute of Molecular Biology, “Acad. Rumen Tsanev” at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) – Sofia is seeking to appoint doctoral students (m / f) and /or postdoctoral fellows for research work in the promising and filled with new challenges area of “Design and development of multitargeting biologically active substances for the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases“.
Read the full announcement (in Bulgarian language)
Postdoc and PhD positions at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Announcement in Bulgarian language) https://t.co/HHDitI6yVj #INPST #Bulgaria #Postdoc #PhD
— INPST (@_INPST) February 2, 2020
Join us also on other social media channels: https://t.co/WO0pc6I3Q9 pic.twitter.com/cU4s4pOyUS
Why publish with Current Research in Biotechnology? Quality. Speed. Visibility. https://t.co/xj0ri5DgNI #CRBIOTECH #INPST pic.twitter.com/jcIVOavjjf
— Atanas G. Atanasov (@_atanas_) June 26, 2019
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